Hit Me! Back at it, talking about a ton of comics, and rapping with guest writer and artist Ryan Dunlavey about philosophers, MODOK, and new jack swing. All of you go to your rooms.
The Rundown
- Check out more from our guest Ryan Dunlavey at his website, or follow him on twitter. While you’re at it, pick up the Action Philosophers!
trade paperback.
- Remember, Rusty‘s doing an in-store at Superfly Comics in the Yellow Springs, OH area on 5/1/10 (Free Comic Book Day). Stop by and say hi.
- Yes, we now know that it’s from a James Brown song
. Fraction‘s response when we told him we didn’t know that was calling us “fucking philistines.”
- Check out Brandon Vs. Magic for the theme song I did for his video podcast, Play, Trade or Bury.
- Check out Chris’s haters at his Kick Ass in 60 Seconds piece at Comics Alliance.
- Facebook fan group. Join it.
- Thanks to the Ampersands for that great theme remix! Check out more of their music on myspace, or buy their album on iTunes.
- Check out Sims at The ISB, Comics Alliance, his new webcomic Awesome Hospital, as well as the complete Solomon Stone at ActionAgeComics.
- Go check out Mocktopus, by Max Huffman. Because it’s awesome, that’s why. Max, we stand in solidarity.
- Check out Euge’s music at AdamWarRock.com. You can download the new theme there, if you’re into that sorta thing.
Please leave us a review on iTunes if you have the time! Also, remember to send in your listener questions to warrocketpodcast_at_gmail.com!
poor max man
The Slate review of Kick-Ass by Dana Stevens that Euge mentioned is here: http://www.slate.com/id/2251000/
I tend to agree with her in general although she ends on a whole throw the baby out with the bathwater conclusion that I simply can’t agree with, but you can compare and contrast with my review here: http://llakor.blogspot.com/2010/04/kick-ass-is-slapstick-sacrilege.html
dammit! thanks Llakor! I FULLY ENDORSE HIS PLUG b/c he’s helpful, a cool dude, and is remedying my mistake.
I heartily support longer podcasts. I also support more Castlevania Trivia Showdowns.
Euge was thinking of the pachycephalosaurus. (and I take pride in knowing that – and the correct spelling – from memory)
How can one not know the joy that is Bobby Brown
Yes! Tom Katers and Josh Frulinger! I feel like I won something.
This episode was pretty friggin’ awesome, too.
ACTION PHILOSOPHERS is so amazing, great ep. Also, thanks for picking my Twitter questions, even though you mispronounced my name so wrong it hurt. I guess that’s what I get for having such a horribly foreign-sounding name.
“Costa” like “Costa Rica”, and “kout” like “coot” (as in “Crazy old coot!”).
Euge – If your proud of pronouncing Archaeopteryx, you wanna move up to the next level of awesome flying dinosuar pronouncation with Quetzalcoatlus?
(and yes, I am aware that technically neither are actual dinosaurs)
The Carl Jung ghost leading the team of personality type superheroes is a fucking great idea. If you can make it happen, you will have at least one customer.
Thanks for the plug in this week’s show guys. As lame as it sounds, it made my day.