Our good pal Kieran Shiach, writer of the new all-ages comic series Mossy with artist Traci Shepard, drops by to chat with us this week about swamp monsters, trolls, pool floats, capybaras, apartment pet policies, Kickstarter, all-ages comics, dinosaurs, lettering and much more! Plus, we answer a listener question about one of our favorite guys, Spider-Man!
The Rundown:
- Follow Kieran on Twitter!
- Back Mossy on Kickstarter!
- Chris’ checks and recs: Wedding, Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Matt’s check and rec: Supreme Villainy, Batman and Bill
- Music used: Waterbears, “Moss Piglet”
Comics Reviewed:
- Flash #22
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Annual 2017
- Sex Criminals #19
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Shameless Self Promotion:
- For all Chris’ stuff, check out The ISB!
- For all Matt’s stuff, check out his author page!
- Check out all Euge’s music at AdamWarRock.com.
Remember to send in your listener questions to warrocketpodcast at gmail.com!
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