For this week’s episode, we’re happy to welcome two of the creators behind the Champions of Hara board game and tie-in comics, game designer Walter Barber and artist Jason Piperberg! We talk about building a multimedia project, game mechanics, fleshing out game characters with comics, using bright colors, loud sirens, our optimal hybrid animal monsters, legacy games and much more! Plus, we add some new characters to the Panel President list!
The Rundown:
- Follow Jason on Twitter!
- Champions of Hara is already funded, so go get a game if it sounds cool to you!
- And here are chapter one and chapter two of the comics!
- Go read Doug the Thug!
- Chris’ checks and recs: Cavities, Smark of the Beast, Bring It On 6
- Matt’s check and rec: Twin Peaks finale, Vice Principals
- Music used: What Funk, “Champions Pt. III”
Comics Reviewed:
- Astro City #47
- Batman #30
- Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #1
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Shameless Self Promotion:
- For all Chris’ stuff, check out The ISB!
- For all Matt’s stuff, check out his author page!
- Check out all Euge’s music at
Remember to send in your listener questions to warrocketpodcast at!
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70:29 + “it might blow you off the building”
pure magic