Friend of the show Fred Van Lente returns this week to talk about branching out from comics with his brand new novel, Ten Dead Comedians! We talk about the difference between comics and prose writing, book recommendations, injecting real-world stuff into fictional worlds, basing characters on real-life famous people, death traps, nailing character voices, butt medicine and much more! Plus, we take one serious listener question and one silly listener question!
The Rundown:
- Follow Fred on Twitter!
- Ten Dead Comedians is available now!
- Other book recommendations: A Square Meal, The Cooking Gene
- Chris’ checks and recs: Ajax dreams, Spider-Man Homecoming
- Matt’s check and rec: Book signings, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
- Music used: Geoff Geis, “Hello Funny Rainbow”
Comics Reviewed:
- Mage: The Hero Denied #0
- DC Metal: The Casting #1
- Spider-Men II #1
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Shameless Self Promotion:
- For all Chris’ stuff, check out The ISB!
- For all Matt’s stuff, check out his author page!
- Check out all Euge’s music at
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