With the skill of gymnastics, and the kill of karate, Matt Singer, host of the IFC.com podcast and on-air host of IFC news, joins us to talk about his lifelong scholarly pursuit of watching and discussing the cinematic merit of Gymkata. We also talk about his time interning with Troma Entertainment, and comics reviews!
The Rundown
- You can find out more about Matt Singer on IFC, on twitter, at the IFC Movie Podcast page, and also at Gymkommentary, which he performs with comic artist Chris Moreno.
- If you haven’t seen Gymkata
yet, what is wrong with you?
- Check out Troma Entertainment, as well as The Stablizer and Tales from the Crapper. Also check out Lloyd Kaufman, founder of Troma and all his books on Amazon.
- Just one of the examples of Matt’s Termite Art blog coverage of Spidey and the Electric Company.
- Check out WFMU.org and The Best Show. May 4, 2010 is the show Chris showed up on. Also check out our ep with Dr. K where we talked about South of the Border.
- Check out Adam WarRock “Girl Comics.” Isn’t Jubilee dreamy?
- Check out Sims at The ISB, Comics Alliance, his new webcomic Awesome Hospital, as well as the complete Solomon Stone at ActionAgeComics.
- Go check out Mocktopus, by Max Huffman. Because it’s awesome, that’s why. Max, we stand in solidarity.
- Check out Euge’s music at AdamWarRock.com.
Please leave us a review on iTunes if you have the time! Also, remember to send in your listener questions to warrocketpodcast_at_gmail.com!