This week we’re very excited to welcome Scott Snyder, writer of American Vampire and Severed, and who just wrapped up his run on one of our favorite books of the last year, Detective Comics! Scott talks to us about his upcoming work on post-DC-reboot Batman, how he get his start in comics, a nerve-wracking meeting at C2E2, how he got Jock and Francesco Francavilla to work on Detective, the Bat-Family’s favorite Elvis songs, and more! Plus, we welcome another member of the Ajax Hundo Club, Susan Cole, and answer a question from our listener mailbag!
The Rundown
- Follow Scott on Twitter, and as he said on the show, he’s on Facebook, too!
- Scott’s collection of short stories, Voodoo Heart, is available on Amazon.
- Francesco Francavilla’s audition comic strip for Detective will be in the hardcover of Scott’s run on the book, but you can see an online version here.
- Check out Grant Morrison’s Rolling Stone interview. Now read it in a “Nature Boy” or “Hollywood” voice. While you’re at it, read Chris’ CA review of Batman Incorporated #8.
- Here’s the recipe for 10-minute Lime Cracker pie.
- If you haven’t listened to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast, it’s a great example of enlightening interviews between people who don’t see eye-to-eye.
- Susan’s checks and recs: Boston duck tour, the Kickstarter campaign for Stripped
- Chris’ checks and recs: Legos, Fallout 3
- Matt’s checks and recs: Taking back Supergods rec, Sennheiser HD 202 headphones
- Music used: Elvis Presley, “Suspicious Minds”
Comics Talked About:
- Bad Machinery
- Batman Inc. #8
- Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1
Shameless Self Promotion:
- The @FakeAPStylebook book, Write More Good, is still available to buy right here!
- Check out Sims at The ISB, Comics Alliance, his webcomic Awesome Hospital, as well as the complete Solomon Stone at ActionAgeComics.
- Check out Matt’s Fake e-Etiquette Twitter feed, his Tumblr and the ISS.
- Check out all Euge’s music at
- Check out Max Huffman on Twitter, or at his site.
- Check out Rusty Shackles on Twitter, or at his site.
Please leave us a review on iTunes if you have the time! Also, remember to send in your listener questions to!
Huh, I hadn’t realized that Snyder wrote The Thirteenth Egg, which was my favorite story form Who Will Save Us Now?
I’ll tell you whuh laddie: I’m a ring wieldin’, Speed Force feelin’, invisible jet flyin’, Batmobile drivin’, last son of a gun of Krypton!
Based purely off of the scans you put into your Comics Alliance review, I feel I love Batman Inc. #8 on a purely ironic level. I am now seeking therapy for latent hipsterism.
Also, I didn’t know that Morrison likes Civil War. That’s baffling. He clearly knows what a good story is, so…. why?
Morrison seems to have a love/hate relationship with Millar. He hates Millar, but loves his stories, at least in the book. I agree with Matt tho, it’s too much careerism and getting caught up in comic book gossp.
Screw that reviewer Matt! You’re better than tolerable. You’re super-tolerable.
I’m looking forward to Snyder’s run on Batman. It sounds like a great book.