In advance of his new Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight story, Josh Williamson of Monkeybrain Comics’ Masks and Mobsters joins us for this week’s show! Topics of discussion include Batman, Batman, Batman, Batman’s origin, Batman, Alfred, Batman, and Christmas! Also other things. Also also: Another WRA Love Haters segment!
The Rundown
- Josh is on Twitter and be sure to check out his website!
- Chris’ old post about Untold Legend of the Batman.
- We don’t have a picture of Josh’s Batman tattoo, but trust us, it’s real.
- Shia LaBeouf copied and pasted an Esquire article for an apology.
- Chris’ checks and recs: Going to NYC, Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter
- Matt’s checks and recs: Russian dashcam videos, House of Cards
- Music used: Blackalicious, “Blazing Arrow”
Comics Talked About:
- Justice League #17
- Justice League of America #1
- Vibe #1
Shameless Self Promotion:
- For all Chris’ stuff, check out his page!
- For all Matt’s stuff, check out his page!
- Check out all Euge’s music at
Remember to send in your listener questions to!
Leave us reviews on iTunes!
Man, Chris, Josh was fucking seducing you in this episode
I think if Chris wants Batman to look up to him, he needs to grow a moustache. I say Cody Rhodes style.
Sadly, I already bought that issue of Masks & Mobsters when it came out so I can’t participate in freaking out Comixology. Disappointed that apparently no one cared about it.