This week we’re talking to the writer of Dark Horse’s brand new title Dream Thief, Jai Nitz! We discuss among other things, his work on The Batman Strikes, why he opted to set his new comic in the South, the Back to the Future sequels, the origin of Agent Nitz from Scalped’s name, St. Louis pizza, saying awful things at cons, and much more! Plus, the return of Big Ups to All My Haters!
The Rundown
- Follow Jai on Twitter and friend him on Facebook!
- The real woman who John Byrne named Kitty Pryde after didn’t appreciate all the attention it brought her.
- Paper Museum is out of print, but you can still find it in a few places!
- Revisit Chris’ trip to South of the Border back in 2009. Here’s the new, terrifying reptile lagoon.
- And read his review of the Injustice: Gods Among Us tie-in comic if you haven’t.
- The link to our listener survey is below!
- Chris’ checks and recs: Road trip to UNC Pembroke, The Fogelnest Files
- Matt’s checks and recs: Listener survey, Skyfall
- Music used: Cheap Trick, “Dream Police”
Comics Talked About:
- Action Comics #18
- The Private Eye #1
- Justice League #18
Shameless Self Promotion:
- For all Chris’ stuff, check out his page!
- For all Matt’s stuff, check out his page!
- Check out all Euge’s music at
Remember to send in your listener questions to!
Leave us reviews on iTunes!
Hi, big fan of the podcast, love earing it every week.
Is there any you can timestamp the time you review the comics in the show notes?
In case i haven’t read them, i don’t want to spoil it when i do.
Thanks for your hardwork
Holy crap but I loved that Taskmaster mini, everyone needs to read that book.
I wonder if that Jay Mohr story has anything to do with that King of the Hill episode that was about basically the same thing.