Category Archives: Euge

Third Guest! Wednesday! The Devil’s in the Details!


Our guest for Episode 3 is Jess Nevins, the walking encyclopedia of Victoriana and master of comic book annotations. He’ll join us for a discussion on the details in comics, and his loving work in extracting those details for all to enjoy. He’s also promised a discussion including, but not limited to the following topics: gorillas, Paste Pot Pete, why the Golden Age Black Widow has the #2 origin of all time, and Don Heck, O.G. pimp.

We are recording this episode early this week on Wednesday evening, August 26. So tweet questions for Jess to Chris or me to have them read on the show! Take notes. There will be a test.

In other news, our iTunes feed is now fixed, so please go and subscribe to the show, and drop us a review. And check out the BBC 5Live show, Pods and Blogs, where host Jamillah Knowles gives us a nice shout out towards the end (around 5:00 remaining in the show).

Bear With Us

Look, I’m not going to lie to you guys. I’ve had some issues with technology in the past few days (which go a long way in explaining the sound cues in this week’s episode, long story, trust me).

The iTunes feed is currently messed up. It is redirecting people to my other podcast, PYDK, b/c for some reason the podcast feeds are not right in the iTunes store (damn you Apple). This will be fixed tonight when I get home. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. For now, you can download the ep or listen to it embedded in the site. All of this will be fixed soon.

But hey, look. Amazon links! —>

Get In On the Action!


We’re recording tonight, so tweet all questions to Sims or me for our guest Caitlin Kittredge. We’ll be talking about writing, whether it’s novels (with Caitlin), comics (with Sims), or awesome anti-establishment bongos-accompanied beat poetry (with me).

While you’re here, why not check out Sims’s latest article at Comics Alliance, which takes a look at the history of crime and noir in comics. Also, Action Age comics has a preview of some of the new projects coming down the way, so go and check out the great artwork. Also, all go worship at the altar of Rusty Shackles.

Episode 2 posts early next week. Can youuu diiiig iiiiiiiiit.

Second Guest! Words and Stuff!


Wow, what a beginning to the week we’ve had. First of all, you guys should know that most likely, if it’s being written on the website, it’s me, Eugene. Chris is too busy blogging at The ISB and the eleventy billion other sites he writes for, where he brings the face kickin’ funny. So you’re stuck with me here. I’m still trying to determine my signature act of violence. Kidney punch? Eye gouge? I’m still deciding.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who listened to Episode 1, and for the great feedback. We had a great time doing it, and hope that any valid complaints you might have had about the show will be fixed in the upcoming episodes. If you’re just hatin’, well if you diss Dre, you diss yourself.  Thanks again to Matt Fraction for being our first guest. Check out the episode if you haven’t yet. And yes, iTunes feed is coming, hopefully by the end of this week (get on that shit, Apple!).


We’re getting right back to it with our guest for episode 2, Caitlin Kittredge. Caitlin is the author of the Nocturne City series novels, as well as co-author of the incredible superhero novel, Black and White. She’s going to stop by and talk about the writing side of comics and novels, among the other tangential topics that are bound to come up. Caitlin’s awesome, y’all. So be ready to live tweet or email questions this Friday to the show if you want them read on air.

It’s Wednesday. Go buy some comics, you muckety mucks.

First Guest! First Issues!


We’re recording our first episode this weekend, talking about first issues, and our first guest is writer Matt Fraction, he of the Invincible Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men, and many other titles fame. Episode is posting early next week.

Also, keep checking this blog. If we get enough traffic, we may be bringing in some regular contributors to give you guys something to read. Man, not only your ears, but also your eyes?! War Rocket Ajax is pretty much a full sensory experience.

While you’re here, check out the first full Woman of A.C.T.I.O.N. issue over at Action Age Comics.

What the #$%@#$ is War Rocket Ajax?


It has to begin somewhere, right?

I host a podcast called The People You Don’t Know, which is an interview show where I basically just find interesting people to talk to who are doing cool stuff online or in their communities. I had been a fan of Sims’ Invincible Super Blog for quite some time, and decided to cold email him out of the blue, asking him for an interview. He agreed, with the apparent excitement of his comment “How do you know me? And what is this for again?” and a lament that my interview was making him miss WMFU’s The Best Show that night. It was off to a fine start.

In any case, the interview went well, and we remained friends. As a former comic geek (who may be relapsing a bit these days), we had fun goofing and talking about whatever. And after I had decided to start another podcast project, this one a bit more focused on one particular topic, I approached Sims about being a co-host. He again responded with obvious excitement in the statement, “As long as I don’t have to do any work,” and lo and behold an internet team up was born.

I had interviewed several people involved in the comics biz for the PYDK podcast, and realized that they all were pretty funny and interesting people (except Chris and Curt. They and their webcomic Let’s Be Friends Again are thoroughly uninteresting). More than that, discussion about comics often became a springboard to a discussion about culture. And we realized, amidst the 80 gazillion comics podcasts, there wasn’t really a forum for comics people to talk about non-comics stuff. Sure, our show will talk about comics. Hell, we’re going to talk about comics a LOT. But every show, we’re going to use comics as a starting point to have a discussion with our guests about whatever geeky cultural kind of topic(s) we can think of. And hopefully it’ll be pretty funny too.

So everyone is welcome on board as we attempt to destroy the world with a podcast from too much awesomeness. They said it couldn’t be done, but then, they also said a man couldn’t walk on the moon. Yeah, those guys must feel pretty stupid now, huh? What with all those moon people and stuff. Psht.

Stay tuned. First episode is coming. Can you feel it? Nothing can save you.


p.s. –  sometimes Chris hits me and forces me to say I fell down the stairs.