Happy Five Years to the Invincible Super Blog!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Thanks to everyone who made our X-mas Special so great! We had a great time doing it, and we look forward to getting back to it in the year 2010. THE FUTURE.
For a Christmas gift to US, why not leave us a nice review on iTunes? Santa would do it.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday, and auld lang syne and all that.
War On X-mas Special!
Episode 16 – Core Universe w/ Rick Remender
What do you get when you have Rick Remender on your show? A lot of talk about Punisher: Franken-Castle, punk music, and some absurd convention stories. What better way to close out 2009, as Chris and Euge talk also talk about Twilight, drink recipes, more listener emails, and a special holiday hater!
The Rundown:
- For everything related to Rick Remender, check out his website and on twitter. Check out his stuff on Amazon!
- Please check out Chris vs. Twlight on his twitter! Don’t make his efforts for nothing!
- Here’s my song “Ira Glass” on AdamWarRock.com. Bump it in your ride.
- Sims has been churning out great content at not only The ISB, but also at ComicsAlliance and Heavy.com. Please check them out if you get a chance.
- Check out AdamWarRock.com for some fresh rhymes and dope beats.
The Coming Storm….THE X-MAS STORM
We are busy, and I mean BUSY, at work putting together the wonderful War Rocket Ajax X-Mas special. For now, stay tuned, b/c our LAST EPISODE of 2009 with Rick Remender will be destroying your earbuds come Monday. The WEEK AFTER on December 21, our X-MAS EXTRAVAGANZA will post! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! SO MUCH WAR ROCKET FOR YOUR EARS!
For now, if you want some more holiday cheer, check out The Christmas Letter of Dr. Doom over at ComicsAlliance. Or check out some hip hop writing at Self-Titled (Eponymous). See you guys on Monday!
Episode 15 – Historically Speaking w/ Cherie Priest
Sims has a big announcement! I have a new website! And author, Southern gothic zombie steampunk historical enthusiast Cherie Priest talks about her book, Boneshaker, as well as Alfred Hitchcock and why historical fiction or steampunk culture shouldn’t forget about the fun.
The Rundown:
- For EVERYTHING Cherie Priest is involved with, please check out her website and twitter. Also, please purchase Boneshaker
or the rest of her books.
- Though we are lowly podtrash, WFMU’s The Best Show is a favorite of all of us here at War Rocket Ajax.
- Check out my new hip hop blog, Self Titled (Eponymous) if you’re into that sort of stuff (like 1,200+ word write ups of old De La Soul records).
- Though he won’t be contributing art to our show for a little bit, please continue to check out more of Rusty Shackles’ amazing work at his website, if you haven’t already.
- Sims has been churning out great content at not only The ISB, but also at ComicsAlliance and Heavy.com. Please check them out if you get a chance.
- Check out AdamWarRock.com for some fresh rhymes and dope beats.
Next Guest! Cherie Priest!
Our next episode is being recorded tonight, Wednesday, December 2, 2009, as we shoot the breeze with author Cherie Priest. We’ll talk to her about her fantastic novel, Boneshaker, as well as comics and all that jazz. Tweet or email us questions if you got ’em for her!
We’re working on getting our X-mas special together, as well as a big surprise for next week’s guest. Stay tuned, and your minds will be bloooown.
Happy Thanksgiving!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the War Rocket Ajax crew. No plugs, no links, no nothing. Just a heartfelt thank you from all of us here. Thanks so much for listening, for commenting, for emailing, for everything. Hope all of you have a great holiday!
We’ll be taking the week off, but check back December 7, 2009 for our next episode!
p.s. – thanks so much for the incredible response for our Listener Email episode! Wowzers, you guys really came out of the woodwork to discuss! We’ll be doing it again soon!
Episode 14 – Brovember & Listener Emails
We take a week where we give thanks for our bros and the bro-tastic bro’in’ that bros do. Errr..I mean, we invite Rusty Shackles, Matt Wilson, and Smithy to the show and answer listener emails, and the topics range far and wide. It’s a week without a guest, with a lot of non-comics discussion, and a chance for us to give thanks to everyone for listening to our little show.
The Rundown:
- Check out more of Rusty’s amazing work at his website, if you haven’t already.
- Also, check out KingOblivionPhD’s writing at the International Society of Supervillains. Also check him out on twitter. You can also check out the song I wrote about him here.
- Smithy can be found on twitter, at his art page, and his website. His name is really Matthew Allen Smith, but we just call him Smithy.
- Check out Jay Potts’ great webcomic, World of Hurt at the website.
- CORRECTION: “Still D.R.E.” was ghostwritten by Jay-Z, not “The Next Episode.” whoops.
- Sims has been churning out great content at not only The ISB, but also at ComicsAlliance and Heavy.com. Please check them out if you get a chance.
- Check out AdamWarRock.com for some fresh rhymes and dope beats.
The Goggles. They Do Nothing
Hey ho. We’ve been busy ’round these parts, so the blog’s been a little slow on the posts. But we still got a new episode coming on Monday, with a roundtable of bros ready to answer your listener email. Make sure you send any and all questions and comments to warrocketpodcast_at_gmail.com for our next listener mailbag episode. It was a blast. No topics were off limits!
For now, I will say that we want to keep doing our best to bring you the best possible show we can. And it helps us massively if you leave us reviews on iTunes and comment on the site with feedback, comments, hate mail, and compilments. Whatever you want to say, just keep the conversation going!
I’m hoping to have a new song for one of our future episodes, and we have some special guests and surprises in the works. So stay tuned, and thanks for all the emails! New episode Monday!