It’s our For Kids! episode! With Max Huffman of We talk to him about kids these days, along with his future plans for Mocktopus and why he’s just such a darn scamp!
(Note: we had some audio issues with skype in this episode during the interview)
The Rundown:
- Please check out Mocktopus! And Max is on twitter @maxhuffman. Benjamins! Grape!
- Thanks again to Toyfare Magazine for their mention of the ISB. And if you didn’t know, we did an episode with the guys from Twisted Toyfare Theatre. Check it out!
- Check out Chris’s ComicsAlliance Kevin Smith post. Seriously, it’s highly offensive.
- Purchase Aziz Ansari’s Intimate Moments For A Sensual Evening
and laugh your dick off, RAAAAAAAANDY style.
- Purchase Paul F. Tompkins Freak Wharf
and…uhh, laugh your….whatever, it’s just freaking hilarious.
- Thanks to DJ Wiki Ben for the Adam WarRock spin on WSUM! Check out his playlist here.
Please leave us a review on iTunes if you have the time! Also, remember to send in your listener questions and hater stories to!
Would it be accurate to say you were the 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time world champion?
Soooooo funny! It’s Max Huffman’s world! Great episode!!
Maybe this is why War Rocket Ajax is ranking so high for “B-Real” on Google…?
From :
“Ice Cube likes to bring his assault rifle to B-Real’s birthday party. Nothing wrong with that.”
The way both Chris and Eugene were talking to Max and he back to you was so awesomely awkward. Like an uncle trying to relate to his teenage nephew the first time he ever met them.
And Chris, I was also involved in an e-fed many moons ago (round 95-96). All I remember form those days is my character name was Fan Boy whose finisher was to hit his foe with a loaded holofoil comic book. Yeah, that’s much sadder.
Chris’ old man stories about his teens were about stuff that happened when I was already an adult, which just added to the level of old-man bitterness coiled in my heart. Nice job!
That was brutal.
Absolute torture suffering through all those “…uuuuhhhhs”.
You guys deserve medals for sticking that out and not faking a bad connection.
Carry on!
Thanks Bob!