So, we were supposed to do a real episode, but Euge’s computer decided to majorly crash a day before he was going out of town. So after a night of recovering all of the stuff necessary to record and process a podcast, we cobbled together this mini-live-to-tape episode, just to keep our Cal Ripken-esque streak going (note: we have no Ripken-esque streak).
Got no time for show notes this week (I’m literally catching a ride out of town in…uhh, five hours?..and have to go sleep). Our apologies to our scheduled guest, Phil Hester. Hopefully we’ll have him on the show soon, but check back next week for Marvel editor, Nate Cosby!
Shameless Self Promotion:
- Check out all Euge’s music at
- Check out Sims at The ISB, Comics Alliance, his new webcomic Awesome Hospital, as well as the complete Solomon Stone at ActionAgeComics.
Please leave us a review on iTunes if you have the time! Also, remember to send in your listener questions to!